Legal Solutions
Employment- and Labour Law Specialists
Areas of Practice
Key benefits
- Clients have access to a group of highly qualified, experience and professional individuals.
- Clients have access to a wide range of services under one “umbrella”, no need to search around for services needed – save time and money.
- Our fees are highly competitive.
- Clients can save thousands of rand per year with our assistance to ensure that our clients are legal compliant with labour legislation.

Employment and Labour
- Legal advice on all areas of labour and employment law;
- Managing executive disputes and dismissals including separation/termination agreements;
- Restraint of trade and confidentiality disputes and litigation including drafting of restraint of trade and confidentiality agreements;
- Discrimination law and disputes including equal pay for work of equal value and sexual harassment;
- Legal representation at CCMA, Bargaining Councils and Labour Court;
- Chairing disciplinary enquiries as well as prosecuting on behalf of the employer and representation of employees (when permitted) in internal grievance and/or disciplinary enquiries / incapacity enquiries (medical / poor work performance / compatibility ,ect)
Human Resources and HR Capacity building
* Draft / preparation of various human resource related policies and documents (e.g. leave, absenteeism, attendance, loan, deductions, overtime, maternity leave, sexual harassment, internet-and email, alcohol & drug testing, etc.);
*Provide various human resource related documents and forms (e.g. letter of appointment, resignation, exit interviews, leave application, voluntary retrenchment agreement, retrenchment termination letter, employee personal details, etc.;
*Drafting of job descriptions;
*Grievance procedures and forms;
* Recruitment and Interview forms, procedures and guidelines;
Legal & Business
- Formulations of Trusts (family- and business trusts);
- Registration of Companies including amendments to company registration documents;
- Company/Director and Deed Office searches;
- Administration of Estates;
- Draft of Wills;
- Clearing of ITC / Credit Reports;
- Drafting of various commercial contracts (e.g. lease agreements, partnership agreements, joint venture agreements, shareholder’s agreements, association agreements, by-and sell agreements, independent contractors agreements, building agreements, etc.)
Training workshops and on-the-job-training provided. Workshops are presented in a practical and informative fashion on relevant subjects related to labour and employment law/HR.
Training workshops are developed to equip participants with practical knowledge and skills which they can utilize with immediate effect in their respective workplaces.
Training and workshops for employers, managers, supervisors and IR/HR personnel pertaining to disciplinary/incapacity hearings, day-to-day labour related issues, how to win a case at the CCMA, managing of absenteeism, etc.
(Note: Company’s can claim the costs to attend workshops from their 20% Mandatory Skills Development Grant).